Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thursday October 23

On thursday Oct.23 I filled my Mircoaquarium with water and a few plants from site #13; assorted pots from the greenhouse in the biology annex.

The first thing I noticed under the microscope was many small tadpole like things swimming swiftly through the water.They had a circular body with a small tail which propelled them through the water smoothly.These unknown ones were transparent in the center with black around the exterior,and were very small. They look like Phacus,but don't spirile like Phacus.
Source: Kudo,Richard. Protozology.

Next, throughout the plants I noticed many different creature like things. I saw a cyclops that was hard to identify because it would move behind plants and never saw the entire thing. Unlike the small Phacus like thing I saw first,this creature was incredibly slow moving.
Source: Rainis, Kenneth. Guide to Microlife.
Franklin Watts. Danbury,CT. 1996. pg 32.

I then had to move the microscope around a bit and found Tubelleria. It was another one that was hiding in plants,but was easily distinguishable because of it's "eye socket" indentions .It was short and stubby like almost with a caterpillar type body.
Source: Source: Stringer,Caroline. Fresh Water Biology.
Stanhope Press.Boston,MA. 1918. pg335

Also in the same area near the plants was an Ostracod. Very slow moving,almost a bobbing movement. Under 10* projection looked similar to a ladybug. It was round and had 2 tenticles.
Source:Stringer,Caroline. Fresh Water Biology.
Stanhope Press. Boston,