Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thursday Nov. 6th

On thursday November 6th I made my 3rd observation of my Microaquarium. I was glad to see that I could identify most of the organisms without a book or help because most were the same from previous weeks.
One thing I did notice instantly by looking through the lens was that the tank is being taken over by algae. Presently the algae isn't large,but is large in quantity and I expect to see growth by next week.
I spoted the Rotifers instantly,but were not new organisms. They seem to be a bit larger than previously and the movement looked slower.

There were about the same about of amount of Euplotes,but far less Paramecium. There still hasn't been a visible dead organism anywhere,but the cyclops as well as the Ostrapods are no longer in the aqauarium.The only thing I can conclude is that the debris is hidden in the dirt.

I did see one new interesting organism,Blepharisma, but there were very few of these. They were easily identified from the book because they have many visible food vacuoles,and cilia. The Blepharisma were very small,and had a floating or bobbing movement.They were long and slender with cilia all around the body.

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